Mirror Cube
A "Mirror Cube" is a simple box with a reflective glass or plastic sheet
that enables a hologram-like experience using the
Pepper's Ghost illusion.
By combining this classic approach with a digital display,
we can create an immersive interactive experience.
The concept of the Mirror Cube is to create an augmented reality experience by
virtually projecting content onto a real-world object.
- Print or purchase a 3D model corresponding to the module you wish to view:
(Alternatively, print an image of the object you want to augment and
mount it behind the cube.)
- On a tablet or chromebook, visit LearningBoard.org and select the module option matching object you want to view.
- Place the tablet or chromebook inside the cube so the screen reflects off the mirror,
creating a hologram-like effect on the viewing object.
- Tap the screen or use spacebar on a chromebook to interact with the module.
How to Make Your Own Mirror Cube (Version 1.0):
- Cut the poster board in half (down to 1 x 3 feet).
- Cut the resulting sheets down to 32.25 inches long.
- Score (do not cut all the way through!) the poster board 10 inches from both edges with a razor blade.
NOTE: If you want your cube to fold flat for portability,
make sure the center section is 12.25" wide.
- Fold the poster board at the score lines to create U-shaped cube.
- Attach one edge of the mirror to the top front edge of the cube with gaffers tape or duct tape.
Note: to avoid a double image, mount the reflective side facing down towards the screen.
To determine the reflective side, lightly touch your finger to one side of the mirror.
There will be no visible gap to your finger's reflection on the reflective side,
but the non-reflective side will show a small gap between your finger and its reflection.
- Stand the cube up and rest the mirror will rest at a 45-degree angle.